Nature and Mental Health

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Everyone always talks about the importance of exploring the great outdoors and getting outside as much as possible. It is well-known that being in nature has many positive impacts for humans and allows us to feel happier, refreshed, and less stressed, but how exactly does nature help with mental health? Here are some of the […]

The College Application Process takes Self-reflection and Maturity that Anyone can Achieve

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

As we are getting into the groove of the school year, many of us will be striving to achieve our full academic potential through schoolwork and exploration in passion, to pave the way for our future and possibly higher education.  If you are considering pursuing higher education, it is 100% possible. So let us rephrase, […]

Speak Your Mind and Youth Central Mental Health Fishbowl Discussions

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Speak Your Mind is partnering with Youth Central for monthly fishbowl discussion surrounding mental health and youth. Youth Central is a program that engages youth with community service. Collaborating with Youth Central on this project provided insightful discussions on topics that are important for youth today.  Some of the key topics that were discussed during […]

Stigma and Mental Illness

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

According to, the 21st century has an array of ground-breaking achievements. The world has been seen to have more peace as opposed to civil, imperial, and foreign conflicts. More children in the world are becoming more healthier with the help of vaccines and modern-day medicine. There are larger growing trends in children attending schools […]

Making the Most of Summer 2020

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

During the era of COVID-19, many of us have faced the cancellation of summer plans that we have been looking forward to all year. It can be difficult to see vacations, camps, and visits with family be postponed indefinitely, but adopting a mindset that allows us to instead see this summer as an opportunity can […]