Positively creative ways to turn anxiety into productivity

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Anxiety is a normal emotion and even healthy in small increments. If it becomes debilitating and prevents you from living your life productively, whether it may be our relationships, social life, and work, here are some tips: 1. Challenge your thoughts Anxious thoughts are intrusive cognitively distorted thoughts that magnify futuristic uncontrollable thoughts of negative […]

A Glimpse into what Therapy Sessions may look like: Beginning, middle, future mental health goals.🔎

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

For your first therapy session, some questions your therapist may ask you are: Why are you here, seeking therapy? What were your previous experiences with therapy, whether it may be participating in therapy or other methods you have tried for self-help (meditation, journaling, etc) Is there any family history (immediate family member(s)) who have had […]

Untreated Depression Can Cause Irreversible Changes in the Brain

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Depression is not something seen by the naked eye, it is psychological but can lead to physical effects in our body and brain.  Researchers have found that untreated depression leads to neurodegenerative levels of brain inflammation. ** Untreated: no intervention at all to prevent or reduce a condition from worsening** Brain inflammation occurs in response […]

How to Respond When You’re Frustrated: Emotional Dumping (Reacting) vs. Healthy Venting (Responding)

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There comes a time when we just need someone to be there for us and we need to vent. If you’re an empath like me, experiencing emotional dumping feels like one is drained and exhausted after receiving or unloading your emotions.  When we are feeling emotions that trigger us, it is important to communicate those […]