Developing Body Positivity

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

A positive body image is the concept of feeling good about your appearance and confident with your body regardless of how you may look. However, it is common for people to struggle with being happy with how they look. I used to struggle with it too. Here, we will discuss what causes body image issues, the outcomes of a negative body image, and some things that can be done to help you overcome body image issues.

Nature and Mental Health

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Everyone always talks about the importance of exploring the great outdoors and getting outside as much as possible. It is well-known that being in nature has many positive impacts for humans and allows us to feel happier, refreshed, and less stressed, but how exactly does nature help with mental health? Here are some of the […]

Keeping a Positive Mindset In Times of Difficulties

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Everyone always talks about the importance of a positive mindset, but when things get hard, it can be an increasingly challenging thing to do. Often, it is easy to slip into a spiral of negativity and focus on what’s wrong in your life, especially when you are facing a hardship. I know I tend to struggle with keeping positive thoughts consistently in my life and I am aware that many others are too. Here are some reasons as to why a positive mindset is so important and some tips that can help you maintain positivity throughout challenges life throws at you.