Talking About and Resolving Conflict

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

In relationships, whether platonic, romantic, familiar, conflict is unavoidable. It can make or break your relationships. So knowing how to talk about what happened can be quite helpful. Trust yourself, and recognize when you’ve reached your limit. People can’t stop doing something that hurts you if they don’t know it hurts you. Take a break: […]

Racism and Mental Health

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

By now, most of us are aware of the death of George Floyd, and many other victims of police brutality. There has been a lot of media coverage on the protests, and many important discussions have been ongoing on social media regarding white privilege and the Black Lives Matter movement. Although this is a challenging […]

Mental Health and The News

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Mental Health and The News Over the past few months, the news has been extremely overwhelming. At the beginning of this year, it seemed like the Australian wildfires were going to win for the biggest and saddest news story; however, we were quickly met with COVID-19 and the death of George Floyd. Right now, looking […]

Things to do when you’re lonely

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Many things during this time are new. Covid-19 has brought many new feelings, ideas, events into this world; but loneliness is not one of them. 54% of Canadians reported feeling lonely or isolated during the coronavirus lockdown, a stark contrast to the 18% of Canadians in a 2019 survey. Loneliness is a difficult feeling to […]

Redefining Our World

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

         For people like me who love to plan out their lives down to the minute, COVID-19 was a speed bump I was definitely not expecting. Confined to my house like everyone else, it can be difficult not to get antsy and wonder when things are going to go back to normal, just in time […]

Mental health and relationships

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

I wrote this short poem while reflecting on a time when I kept putting the needs of those who I cared about before my own. When it comes to the people we love and care about the most, it becomes more difficult to open up about how we are truly feeling. I did not want my feelings to become another thing people had to worry about, I didn’t want to burden them with my problems. Soon I began to realize that that thought process was just not healthy, and the people around us are there for a reason, because they care about our feelings, and want to be there to support us.