Slowing Down in a Fast-Paced World

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another blog post.

I hope you all have been enjoying the lovely fall weather, as well as the start of the semester.

Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the hurry and flurry of the world. Life likes to keep us on the ends of our toes, with work, school, socialization, relationships, and current events. Sometimes it all becomes so overwhelming that hiding under the covers seems like an appealing and viable alternative. While stopping time is impossible, below I will outline a few ways that help me “slow down” in a non-stop hustle-and-bustle society.   

  1. A Long, Hot Bath or Shower
    • Showering may be one of the most peaceful times of my day. For a few minutes, time seems to stop as I engulf myself in warm, soapy water and ponder about my day and random existential thoughts. Often, I like to designate showering as the time of day during which I am allowed to shelve my worries and take a break from life responsibilities. I find that adopting this mindset provides me with a warm, refreshing attitude on which to start my day. 
  2. Freestyle Journaling
    • On days when I feel myself overwhelmed with strong emotions, one of my favourite things to do is take a quick break from whatever task I was engaged in and release a torrent of thoughts/feelings into my journal. I like to journal in a manner which lacks structure or “rules”, that way I can feel free to express whatever feelings I wish to express, whenever I want, in an unrestricted manner. This form of journaling provides me with a way of slowing down and tuning in on my emotions, allowing me to later return to whatever task I was engaged in without being distracted by “loud” overwhelming thoughts.
  3. Sitting Outside
    • Another method of “slowing down” which I find helpful is leaving my phone and watch inside and going to sit on my front porch or balcony. In this way, I can simply breathe some fresh air without distraction and take a break from worrying about what I have to do next. Again, I find myself able to think more clearly after coming back inside and engaging in whatever task I need to engage in.
  4. Cleaning my Space
    • While cleaning may initially seem like a daunting task, I personally find that taking a break from my school work and phone to clean helps clear my mind and increase my productivity for the remainder of the day. I get to listen to my favourite music and engage in a rhythmic task that does not require a significant amount of brain power or social battery. Afterward, I am awarded with a clean workspace/living environment, as well as a clearer mind.
  5. Drawing
    • Doodling while listening to music is one of my favourite ways to “slow down” in our fast-paced society. Doodling allows me to detach from my worries for a bit, and simply focus on putting one line after another onto the paper in front of me. I always feel better after doodling, as if a small weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I find that it provides me with a substantial emotional “release”, even if I am feeling too tired or confused to express myself with words (as I would in a journal entry).
  6. Making a Gift for Someone Else
    • One of my favourite ways to divert attention from my own overwhelming feelings is to focus on the well-being of someone else. I love making little gifts/care packages for my friends and family. Often, this does not require shopping, as I like to grab a few tea bags that I think said person might enjoy and potentially some unused facial masks that I might have lying around. Then, I like to draw this special person a card with a personal message attached to it. Not only is this a good way to detach from a fast-paced, overwhelming environment, but it feels good to see a smile on someone’s face from this small act of care, friendship, and appreciation.
  7. Pressing Flowers
    • Pressing flowers is a wonderful way to detach for a bit from the worries of life, spend some time outside, and create something beautiful. Going outside and looking for flowers takes time and patience, and requires one to take a break from their work/school/social obligations. Then, pressing these flowers into a journal/notebook/card takes more time and patience. However, this is a task that anyone can do, which does not require one to be skilled or perfectionistic in any way, and which guarantees a pleasant outcome to the flower-presser.
  8. Making Spotify Playlists
    • Eight is my favourite number due to its two lines of visual symmetry, so I feel obliged to include an eighth option on this list. I love taking a break from life to make spotify playlists to suit a particular occasion, mood, or individual. Sometimes I make a playlist together with a friend with their favourite music, or a playlist for a friend that I think suits their personality. To me, this is a rhythmic, simple task to engage in, which allows me to take a break from the hectic world around me. Being able to listen to the playlist while studying, walking, or doing chores is certainly an added bonus.

You’ve reached the end of the list! I’d like to think that taking the time to read this blog post has also provided you with a break from the busy nature of human life. Thank you very much for reading, and I hope that everyone has a wonderful week!

Note: The Free Your Mind Mental Health Society is an independent youth-led organization. The contents of this blog are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In the event of a medical emergency, please call your doctor or 911 or other local emergency numbers immediately.

Image courtesy of Pexels