How the Negative Effects of Bullying Can Impact Both Teens’ Mental and Physical Health

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik In recent years, there has been increasing discussion about the detrimental impact of bullying on individuals’ mental health, persisting even years after the incidents occur. Bullying encompasses unwanted aggressive behaviors such as cyberbullying, physical bullying, emotional bullying, verbal harassment, and discrimination based on factors like disability, religion, gender identity, and […]


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In a world that often celebrates flawlessness and achievement, the pressure to be perfect can feel discouraging. For the many who have grappled with perfectionism, at first, we never knew it. It’s hidden in the competitiveness of our modern culture. The constant striving for impossible standards, the fear of failure, and the never-ending cycle of […]

Pondering on Positive Psychology

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Hello, and welcome to another blog post! I hope everyone has spent a wonderful spring break resting, recuperating, and spending time with their loved ones. Today, I wanted to write a blog post about one of my favourite topics within the field of psychology: Positive Psychology! Positive Psychology emphasizes psychological states such as joy, character […]

Ways Social Media Negatively Affects Teen Mental Health

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Image by Freepik (Freepik (n.d.). Mobile notification icons between man and woman. Retrieved from Social media has its merits: enabling global connections, providing information, and offering free entertainment. However, there’s a downside, especially for teenagers’ mental well-being. Influencers often heavily edit their photos which sets unrealistic beauty standards. This can trigger body dysmorphia and […]

What is Self-Care?

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

How Can We Practice Self-Care? Self-care is a practice of self-love that has existed for many years. With the rising “clean girl” trend on TikTok, self-care is a hashtag that has garnered immense popularity ever since the COVID-19 pandemic. According to USA Today, in 2019, Google searches for “self-care” had reached a 14-year high (Dastagir, […]