The Dual Battle: Unmasking Summer’s Toll on Mental Health

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog, Uncategorized, Wellness Package

When we envision the arrival of spring and summer, a multitude of vivid scenes flood our thoughts — tending to flourishing gardens, relishing in the rhythmic crashing of ocean waves, and embarking on joyous family getaways. Yet, beneath the surface, our bodies undergo profound transformations in response to stress caused by shifting seasons, whether we […]

Shielding Your Mind: First Aid to Overcome Social Media Harm

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog, Technology, Uncategorized, Wellness Package

It is evident that social media has numerous advantages, including virtual connectivity for distant families, instant communication, and fast dissemination of information and marketing campaigns. However, despite its widespread usage in the digital age, social media is not immune to its downsides, particularly the adverse impact on our mental health. Overusing social media can lead […]

5 Tips For Coping With Homesickness

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Note: The views, information and, opinions expressed in this blog are solely of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Free Your Mind Initiative and Speak Your Mind. The contents of this blog are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of […]

Don’t Be Afraid Of Who You Are

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Many people go through their lives hating and repressing themselves. They blame it on themselves, their situation, their environment, their past or specific people who are or were in their life. I myself have even given in to self hate, almost everyone does. However, this does not mean you have to choose to continue living […]

Boredom a Danger to Mental Illness?

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As essential it is to take breaks and relax, it is just as important to be cautious of boredom. Boredom can push us right off the edge and back into our vicious cycles. You might be thinking to yourselves, how can being bored be a danger to my mental illness. Well, the majority of people with […]

Eating Disorder in Men & Boys

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How many men suffer from an eating disorder? We often think of females when looking at eating disorders, however, the National Association for Males with Eating Disorders estimates that 25 to 40 percent of people with all eating disorders are males. Men and boys suffer from an eating disorder as much as females do, and […]