This is What I Learned About Stress: The Complete Blog

Introduction: Defining Stress, A Work in Progress

MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia (2022) defines stress as a feeling of emotional or physical tension.

Alright, so you know that feeling when everything just seems to pile up and you start feeling all tense and overwhelmed? That’s stress kicking in. It’s your body’s way of reacting to any kind of disturbance, whether it’s mental, emotional, or physical.

Stress is a complete body and mind issue; it is “the body’s response to any mental, emotional, or physical disturbance. It is now well accepted that stress is both a symptom and a major risk factor for anxiety, migraines, substance abuse, obesity, and heart disease” (Ramanathan & Desrouleaux, 2022).

In reality, stress helps you handle any challenges that come your way. But, when stress sticks around for too long or becomes too intense, it can start affecting your body and mind. We’re talking about chronic stress, the kind that feels like it’s always in your head. It can come from different places – relationship drama, money worries, you name it – and it can mess with your physical health, leaving you feeling tired, on edge, not really you.

Plus, stress isn’t just about what’s going on in your own life. It’s influenced by bigger stuff too, like what’s going on in the world around you.

So yes, stress can be complex, but by understanding all the different factors that come into play, we can start figuring out how to manage it better and keep ourselves feeling chill and happy, both as individuals and as a society! So let’s start with useful, important, and interesting facts about stress!

Part 1: The Different Layers of Stress

Stress isn’t just a mood; it’s like a whole experience for different parts of your body and mind. Let’s dive into how it works and what it does to us, so when stress appears, we can be able to identify it and actually do something about it. The best way to win any battle is by being informed.

How the Body Reacts to Stressors

  • Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn puts your body in fight or flight mode, making you feel like a superhero.
  • You feel like a superhero because the heart rate increases, the muscles contract more strongly, and the arteries in skeletal muscles dilate to allow more blood flow.
  • When stress shows up, your brain releases a hormone called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from the hypothalamus; this is a stress regulator.
  • Hormones are chemicals that coordinate different functions in your body by carrying messages through your blood to your organs, skin, muscles and other tissues.
  • CRH tells your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to release another hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), the messenger that wakes your adrenal gland.  
  • These adrenal glands then let loose the stress dream team: cortisol and adrenaline, also known as the “stress hormones”.
  • Then, cortisol gets your body ready to deal with stress by ramping up energy and turning down non-essential functions like digestion.
  • But if cortisol hangs around too long, it can start causing trouble in your whole body, as we will read later.
  • Knowing how your body handles stress shows you how it affects your physical health, and learning about stress can help you figure out how to deal with it better and keep yourself happier.

Stress Hormones on Health

  • Stress hormones can go bad on your body if they stick around for too long because they are supposed to appear just in emergency situations.
  • When you’re stressed out for a long time, it can mess with your heart and digestion which leads to problems like high blood pressure and stomach pain.
  • Most studies about stress and the immune system say that individuals experiencing stress have more chances of having a weakened immune system, which means more chances of getting sick.
  • Stress isn’t just a mood killer; studies show that having stress for a long time alters your blood pressure, altering the brain so conditions like anxiety, depression, and addiction are more common.
  • When stress becomes chronic, adrenal steroids can damage neurons along with other stimulating neurotransmitters.
  • Your brain’s neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers that control your mood and behavior, that’s how your mood worsens when you are stressed.
  • When your neurotransmitters are not balanced, this can lead to anxiety, depression, and mental disorders.
  • A deficiency or overactivity of neurotransmitters will prevent your brain of making less neuronal connections, which can lead to loss of memory and other problems.

The Psychological Reaction

  • Stress isn’t just about what’s happening in our bodies; it’s also about how our minds react to it.
  • Our thoughts, beliefs, and perception affect how we handle stress, sometimes a change in perspective helps in controlling or even reducing stress.
  • Personality traits and coping styles can also help at dealing with stress. Research shows that traits like emotional stability, conscientiousness, and openness are more likely to help you focus on the positive sides of stress.
  • If you’re someone who’s always striving for perfection or tends to worry a lot, you might find yourself getting stressed out more often.
  • Positive affect, which is feeling good, has been linked to seeing stress in a more positive light, like knowing you can use it to your benefit, tackling problems head-on, finding solace in spiritual beliefs, and finding meaning in everyday moments to take a mental break from stress.
  • Understanding how our minds work when we’re stressed can help us figure out better ways to deal with it, and by paying attention to how we think and feel when we’re stressed, we can learn to cope with it better.
  • Stress isn’t something we can always avoid, but knowing how to handle it can make a big difference in how we feel.
  • By learning more about stress, we can find ways to deal with life’s ups and downs without getting overwhelmed.

Part 2: Understanding Stress

To fully understand stress, we need to learn a bit about stress hormones! When we’re faced with challenges, our body segregates a bunch of hormones and neurotransmitters to help us deal. Calm comes when all these hormones and neurotransmitters are balanced.

Cortisol, the Stress Hormone

  • Cortisol, the “stress hormone,” is like the alarm system when stress arrives.
  • Your adrenal glands release it when your brain sends out an SOS signal in response to stress.
  • Cortisol swoops in during tough times to help you cope and it makes you feel powerful.
  • In moments of stress, cortisol fulls up your energy levels, getting you ready to take on whatever’s coming your way.
  • It’s like a quick energy boost, raising your blood sugar levels to go through anything.
  • Cortisol also gives your heart a little rush as it has to pump a lot of blood to all your body.
  • But cortisol cannot focus on everything, so it tells your body to chill out on other stuff, like digestion, because, well, survival first!
  • If stress sticks around for too long, cortisol can go into overdrive, and that’s when trouble really starts.
  • High cortisol levels for extended periods can mess with your health, leading to problems like high blood pressure, weak immune system, trouble with insulin, weight gain, and mood swings.
  • So, it’s essential to keep stress in check to avoid letting cortisol wreak havoc on your body and mind.

Epinephrine, or Adrenaline Rush

  • Adrenaline or epinephrine, is your body’s way of saying, “Hey, danger alert!” and gets released by your adrenal glands when you’re facing acute stress.
  • It’s the “fight-or-flight” response in action, getting you ready to either tackle the problem head-on or make a run for it.
  • Adrenaline is going to feel great, speeding your heart, opening up your airways for better breathing, and sending extra blood to your muscles and brain.
  • When it’s time, adrenaline helps you focus and react quickly, like a superhero.
  • But as with everything else too much for too long can be a problem.
  • It’s like leaving your foot on the gas pedal — it can wear out your engine over time.
  • Chronic high levels of adrenaline can mess with your heart and with your head, leading to anxiety and other mental health issues.
  • So, while adrenaline is handy in emergencies, controlling it with good stress management is key to staying healthy and cool under pressure.

Gut-Brain Connection: Keep Your Tummy Happy!

  • Ever feel like your stomach is in sync with your brain? That’s the gut-brain connection at work.
  • It’s like a two-way talk: your stomach talks to your brain and vice versa, controlling things like digestion, mood, and even your immune system.
  • But when stress arrives, it can mess up this relationship between your gut and brain.
  • Stress throws your body into survival mode, putting digestion on hold to deal with the immediate threat.
  • That’s why you might get those not-so-fun symptoms like stomach cramps, bloating, or trouble going to the bathroom when stress hits.
  • If stress sticks around, it can wreak havoc on your gut, leading to serious issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or acid reflux.
  • And here’s the worst, it messes with the good bacteria living there too.
  • When stress hangs around for a while, it can stir up inflammation and throw your gut microbiota into going all crazy.
  • So, what’s the solution? Well, taking care of your body and mind is key.
  • Eating well, getting enough sleep, and finding ways to chill out can help keep your gut happy and your overall health in check.
  • By turning down the stress and showing your gut some love, you can boost your resilience and tackle everything.

Part 3: Good Stress, Bad Stress

You know, not all stress is bad news! In fact, there’s this whole spectrum of stress – from the good stuff to the not-so-great – and each type has its own impact on how we feel.

Eustress: the Bright Side of Stress

  • Eustress is the good stress that gets you pumped and ready to take on the world.
  • Eustress leaves you feeling excited, motivated and stimulated, alive, and good with your life.
  • It’s like when you’re about to start a new project or chase after your dreams.
  • Eustress comes from pushing yourself beyond your limits, but in a rewarding way.
  • Sure, it’s demanding, but it’s also an opportunity for growth, learning, and becoming the best version of yourself.
  • When you embrace eustress, you’re tapping into a well of energy that fuels your productivity, creativity, and resilience.
  • Instead of dreading challenges, you start to see them as exciting adventures waiting to be conquered.
  • Eustress pushes you to break free from your comfort zone and reach new heights you never thought possible.
  • So, why not work on stress and turn it into positive energy for a fulfilling and rewarding life?

Distress: When Stress Takes a Dark Turn

  • Distress, or “bad stress,” kicks in when life throws more at us than we can handle.
  • It’s like being stuck in a cycle of overwhelm, anxiety, and hopelessness.
  • Unlike eustress, distress sticks around.
  • Chronic distress it’s the reason why you’re feeling like you’re constantly on the edge of a breakdown.
  • If you’re not careful, distress can bring anxiety, depression and burnout.
  • Whether it’s taking time to chill out, getting organized, or reaching out for help, there are ways to manage distress.
  • And remember, you’re not alone, there’s always someone ready to lend a hand.

The Tipping Point: Too Much Stress

  • Like in everything else, in stress, there’s a point where it flips from helpful to harmful.
  • This tipping point isn’t the same for everyone; it varies from person to person based on stuff like how tough we are, our coping skills, and the support we’ve got around us.
  • You know you’ve hit this tipping point when stress starts messing with your body and mind.
  • Think constant headaches, tummy problems, or feeling like you’re riding an emotional rollercoaster.
  • When stress hits this level, it’s time to hit back. Ignoring it isn’t gonna make it go away.
  • It’s all about tuning in to yourself and being real, it’s time to set some boundaries, say no to some stuff, and yes to some serious self-care.
  • Bottom line? Recognizing when stress has gone from annoying to overwhelming is the first step in getting yourself back.

Part 4: Tips for Stress Management

How we deal with stress can make all the difference in how we feel. So, let’s talk about some super helpful strategies for managing stress like a boss.

Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Ever heard of mindfulness? Psychology Today (2023) describes it as a state of active, open attention to the present. This state is described as observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad.
  • It’s basically remembering to keep in the present, over and over and over again. I’ve been trying it for like forever, and I promise it gets easier!
  • And then there’s meditation, defined as a practice that involves focusing or clearing your mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques (Matko & Sedlmeier, 2022). It’s kind of like a workout for your mind. It’s about training yourself to focus and be aware of what’s happening around you.
  • Together, these two practices — mindfulness and meditation — can help you find your chill, even when life feels terrible.
  • They teach you to take a step back and watch your thoughts and feelings without jumping into action right away. It´s about stop judging yourself and everything around you, trust me, your mind deserves the break.
  • And guess what? These practices are good for your mental health, good in helping you stress less, in concentrate better, and just feel happier overall.
  • Making mindfulness and meditation a regular thing can power up your resilience to stress, and you don’t need to set aside hours to do it. You can meditate while cleaning the dishes or folding your laundry, no sweat.
  • Consistency is super helpful, but even short bursts of mindfulness and meditation can work wonders for your mind.
  • Plus, they’re super flexible and work for anyone, no matter who you are.
  • So why not give mindfulness and meditation a try? They’re a great tool for finding your inner zen, clarity, and happiness.

Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation:

  • Mindfulness and meditation might just be your new best friends against stress. Studies show they may save the day, reducing stress and anxiety by helping you chill out and regulate your emotions.
  • But there’s more! These practices also boost your self-awareness to get inside your own mind. That means you can finally spot stress triggers and take some action.
  • And get this, mindfulness and meditation also give your brain an upgrade, sharpening your focus and clearing out all that mental clutter.
  • But perhaps the coolest thing about mindfulness and meditation? They’re like your personal resilience coaches, they’ll help you deal better with stress.

How to Practice Mindfulness and Meditation:

  • Ready to dive into mindfulness meditation? Here’s an easy step-by-step guide.
  • We’ll need some dedicated me-time each day for your practice. Even if it’s just a few minutes at first, it’s just important to be consistent.
  • Start with short sessions, then go gradually as you get more comfy with the vibe.
  • Find a spot where you can zen out without any interruptions.
  • You can always add more vibe with some cushions or a good smelling candle.
  • Now, it’s time to find your focus. Whether it’s your breath, the sensation of your body, or a calming mantra, pick something to maintain your attention on.
  • When your thoughts start popping up (and trust me, they will), acknowledge them and gently guide your mind back to your chosen focal point.
  • Remember, meditation’s a journey, not a destination. Be patient and self-compassionate.
  • Mix it up! Try different techniques like body scan meditation or loving-kindness meditation to see what resonates with you. You can find blogs about different types of meditation and mindfulness, like this one from Naomi’s blog on mindfulness and mental health, or Reet´s blog about self-care.
  • And hey, mindfulness isn’t just for your meditation cushion. Bring that present-moment awareness into your daily activities too, like eating or walking. I prefer canvas painting.
  • Finally, keep at it! Consistency is key, even if it’s just a quick session each day, you’ll start seeing the benefits in no time.

Exercise to Release Stress

When you get moving, your body releases these chemicals called endorphins. They’ll make you feel all kinds of good vibes. Plus, it’s a killer way to kick stress and boost your overall well-being.

Benefits of Exercise for Stress Relief:

  • Exercise pumps up the feel-good hormones like endorphins, making you feel happier and more relaxed.
  • It enhances your brain, helping you clear out all that mental clutter and stress and giving your mind a chance to chill.
  • And of course the sense of accomplishment you get from crushing a workout!

Incorporating Exercise into Your Routine:

  • Make workouts fun by picking activities you love and that match your fitness vibe.
  • Try around 30 minutes of sweat-inducing exercise on most days—enough to get your heart pumping.
  • Keep things spicy by switching up your routine regularly.
  • Sneak in exercise wherever you can, like ditching the car for a walk or bike ride, scaling stairs instead of using the elevator, or getting dirty with some gardening.

Connection. Disconnect to connect

When you’ve got a crew that’s got your back, you’ll always have someone there to lift you up when you’re feeling down, give you a high-five when things are going well, and lend a hand when you need it most.

So, whether it’s your family, friends, or even your cute pets, building and nurturing those relationships is essential for keeping your spirits high and your stress levels low.

Benefits of Social Support:

  • Makes you feel like you’re part of something bigger, crushes isolation and loneliness.
  • Gives you emotional backup, validation, and empathy when life gets rough.
  • Sends practical help and advice to ease the weight of stress.
  • Builds up your security and stability when the going gets tough.

Ways to Cultivate Social Support:

  • Hang out with your people, the ones who always lift you up and have your back.
  • Get involved, whether it’s joining a book club or hitting up events that look interesting.
  • Spread the love by reaching out to others and being there for them when they need a hand. By giving love, you’ll get love back.

Part 5: How Does Culture and Society Influence Stress?

To deal completely with stress, we’ve got to zoom out and look at the big picture. That means understanding how stress impacts not just us as individuals, but also our communities, our cultures, and our societies as a whole.

By taking a broader view, we can start to see the patterns and trends that shape our stress levels. Maybe it’s the pressure to succeed in a competitive school, the constant bombardment of information on social media, or the strain of societal expectations weighing us down. Whatever the case, getting a handle on these bigger-picture stressors is key to finding solutions that work for everyone.

Cultural Influences

  • Cultural expectations matter, because what your culture expects from you plays a big role in how you handle stress.
  • Some cultures are all about controlling yourself and handling stress solo. Others are more about leaning on your crew for support when things get tough.
  • Depending on where you’re from, you might be encouraged to keep your emotions in check or let them all out when stress hits.
  • Cultural views on mental health and therapy can affect how people deal with stress-related stuff.
  • What you believe about fate and spirituality can also shape how you cope with stress and if you feel like you’re in control.
  • In some cultures, there’s a big taboo around mental health. This can make it hard for folks to open up about stress or seek help, we can still be there for our friends if we feel they are going through something stressful.
  • When it comes to managing stress, we’ve gotta be inclusive. That means making sure our support systems work for everyone, no matter where they’re from.

The Role of Technology

Let’s talk about how the digital world can stress us out:

  • Being constantly connected and bombarded with info can stress us out a lot!
  • Getting hit with a never-ending stream of notifications, emails, and messages can push us towards burnout, just imagine the excess of load you´re putting in your brain!
  • To tackle digital stress, we’ve gotta set some healthy boundaries with our gadgets and tech habits.
  • Taking breaks from screens and focusing on real-life stuff is key for mental balance.
  • Designating places where gadgets aren’t allowed at home can help us unplug and destress.
  • Being mindful and living in the moment can help us deal with all the tech distractions.
  • Putting caps on how much time we spend with screens can help us connect more with the real world.
  • Finding hobbies and activities that don’t involve screens can be a welcome break from digital overload.
  • Remembering to invest in real-life connections and hanging out with people in person is crucial for keeping our sanity intact.

Compassion and Empathy

Now, let’s talk about why compassion and empathy are so important during stressful times:

  • Offering a helping hand, being a good listener, and showing that you get where someone’s coming from can make a huge difference.
  • By being open and caring, communities can soften the blow of stress and create environments where everyone can thrive.
  • Encouraging acts of kindness and looking out for each other boosts resilience and boosts mental health for everyone involved.
  • Empathy lets us connect with others in a way that makes us feel like we’re all in this together, facing challenges as a team.

Conclusion: Now We Know More About Stress

Stress can feel like it’s always there, testing our strength. But even in chaos, there are opportunities for growth. In this final chapter, I want to reflect on what we’ve learned and try to imagine a future where stress will help us by empowering us and giving us balance and compassion.

We explored the various dimensions of stress, from its physiological effects on the body to its societal and cultural influences. We’ve discovered strategies for managing stress, and we recognized that while stress can be overwhelming, it also holds the potential for personal growth, and gets us stronger.

So let’s hold onto the lessons we’ve learned and embrace the challenges that lie ahead with courage and compassion.

Finding Balance. Feeling in Control

In the journey through life’s ups and downs, finding balance is like striking gold. It’s not about avoiding stress altogether, but rather about managing it.

  • Balance is Key: It’s about juggling the demands of life while finding time to relax.
  • Self-Care is Non-Negotiable: Taking care of yourself is crucial. That means getting enough sleep, doing some exercise, and chilling out with relaxation techniques.
  • Set Those Boundaries: Knowing when to say “no” and drawing lines around your time and energy helps prevent burnout.
  • It’s a Whole Package Deal: Balance isn’t just about work or play; it’s about weaving everything together – work, personal time, friends, and a bit of fun – to keep that sweet equilibrium.
  • Stay Flexible: Life’s always throwing curveballs, so being able to roll with the punches and adjust when needed is a big part of staying chill.
  • Know Yourself: Understanding what throws you off balance is crucial.
  • Embrace Stress, but Tame It: Stress isn’t the enemy – it’s how we handle it that counts.
  • It’s a Journey, Not a Destination: Finding that perfect balance is an ongoing process.
  • Know Your Triggers: Once you know your triggers, you can come up with a plan to manage them.
  • Recognize Your Reactions: Everybody reacts to stress differently. Understanding how you personally respond to stress lets you perfect your strategies.
  • Choose Your Reaction: Instead of letting stress dictate your moves, take charge and play the game on your terms.
  • Rise Stronger: With each setback, you’re not just surviving – you’re thriving.

So, embrace the power of understanding, take control of your stress, and get ready to conquer whatever life throws your way. You’ve got this!


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Note: The Free Your Mind Mental Health Society is an independent youth-led
organization. The contents of this blog are not intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your
physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have
regarding a medical condition. In the event of a medical emergency, please call your
doctor or 911 or other local emergency numbers immediately.