How To Maintain Good Mental Health

Maintaining good mental health is important as it aids in our resilience and recovery from the unfortunate events in our lives that we come across. Here are some habits to practice for maintaining good mental health:

Sleep: Most of us tend to struggle with sleep and it is completely understandable, however, getting a good night’s sleep is essential as it is a huge factor in having good mental health. Try to have a stable sleep schedule that works for you, this can be done by even setting alarms to remind you when to sleep and when to wake up. If during the night you were able to get the sleep you needed then during the day try to take naps and/or rest. This will help break that vicious cycle of not being able to function during the day due to lack of sleep, which leads to anxiety that then contributes to more lack of sleep.

Exercise & Healthy eating: This doesn’t have to be extreme, it can be a daily half-an-hour walk that keeps the bad thoughts away!  Exercise creates a rush of endorphins in the body, making you feel a natural high. It reduces stress, gives you a feeling of accomplishment, boosts mood, and promotes healthier sleep. Exercising can also lead you to make healthier and more nutritious food choices. As when you eat nutritious foods they provide sustainable energy and nourish your body, ensuring that you’re able to function at a higher level. This is important as just like physical health responds better to exercise and healthy eating so does our brains, this will help you maintain good mental health.

Talk to People: For obvious reasons, those with social anxiety might find this task difficult, however, alternatively even if you are messaging your friends and have someone to talk to this will still contribute to maintaining good mental health. Moreover, there are several helpful outlets you can use to share your thoughts, emotions, and/ or an overall conversation. You can regularly speak with a therapist, attend self-help groups and confide in your support network of friends. Having a support group is helpful, as those close to you can check in on you when you’re having a rough time. Any of these options will help you connect with another human being, which can help you get out of your own thoughts for a while.

Practice Mindfulness & Gratitude: Practicing mindfulness and gratitude will help you become aware of the present moments, increase calmness, and clarity. This can be done by meditating, taking part in yoga, writing in a journal…etc. However, it is extremely important to try and stay consistent with these activities in order to maintain good mental health. The purpose of this is to acknowledge your feelings as you experience them, become conscious of your physical sensations, and grow awareness of your surroundings.

Set Goals: Setting goals gives us a purpose to get up every day, motivates us to keep going, as well as keeps us from falling back into our old habits and vicious cycle. With that being said, when setting goals it’s effective when they are smart goals. Smart goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. This will help to prevent setting goals that aren’t attainable and more likely to push you to your old habits.

To sum up, these tips will help you maintain good mental health and prevent you from falling back to old habits that didn’t make you feel great about yourself. Furthermore, they will also help you grow as a person and help you get a better grasp of what your mind and body need!

Note: The Free Your Mind Mental Health Society is an independent youth-led organization. The contents of this blog are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In the event of a medical emergency, please call your doctor or 911 or other local emergency numbers immediately.