Resolution Vs. Resolutions

Being completely honest last year was hard for many people and personally this year has started off hard for me, even harder than last year. So I decided to share some advice about how to get the pep back in your step with Resolution Vs. Resolutions.

According to “Every year more than 50% of people make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, quit smoking, work out, save money, get a promotion, get a raise, and more. And yet, virtually every study tells us that around 80% of New Year’s resolutions will get abandoned around this month.”

You may ask why this happens? Well it’s probably because the pressure to do one task is so heavy people often don’t plan it out step by step or do the necessary research to help themselves. Instead it’s ruled out as too hard, or not enough time for it which results in failure and sadness.

Let’s prevent this sad affair by not having one resolution but multiple small doable resolutions. For instance if you’re going on a diet think about each month or each week, or even each day what a small goal could be, something doable. Maybe don’t reach for a chocolate bar and try a smoothie, or a protein bar instead. Or instead of commuting to work or school by vehicle try walking (if you can). However don’t do it everyday, try to do it every couple of days or a day a week start slow then build up your weekly amount. If you can’t walk to the location, maybe there is a store or a friends house that is a walkable distance or even go to a nice wooded trail, listen to some music and walk for a bit.

With all of these resolutions try your best, take it slow. It’s hard to do these things, but it’s never not doable so just pace yourself and set Daily, weekly, or monthly goals. Or whatever time frame you need. Just always remember each resolution you finish is a win and I’ll be honest you won’t always win, but you can’t win if you never try. So good luck, and let’s make this year count.