Mindfulness and Mental Health

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

As a person who lives in today’s busy, efficiency-driven, productivity-focused society, I often feel that I have no time to breathe and relax. I find that throughout the day, I am essentially operating like a machine, driven to complete various tasks within the least possible amount of time. However, I am not a machine, and […]

An Introduction to Therapy: What is CBT & DBT?

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Many of us have heard the phrase, “Everyone can benefit from therapy.” That may or may not be true, but one thing is for sure: not everyone seeks out therapists, psychologists, or counsellors to receive therapy (also known as counselling). There are barriers to attending therapy including long wait times, stigma concerns, and cost (Moroz, […]

Webinar: How Has 2020 Impacted Mental Health?

We invite you to participate in Free Your Mind’s 2020 concluding webinar: “2020.” This year has been an incredible experience, with its ups and downs. Share your 2020 experience and learn from the different experiences of peoples from all different occupations and roles in society. Sign up to be featured in our webinar! Please DM […]

March is Music Therapy Awareness Month in Canada

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Music therapy is a discipline in which credentialed professionals use to address human needs within cognitive, communicative, emotional, musical, physical, social, and spiritual domains. Certified music therapists (MTAs) may also conduct and/or participate in research, educate and supervise students and professionals, facilitate knowledge translation, act as consultants, and provide professional leadership on the use of […]

Managing Your Stress Effectively

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

If you’re living with high levels of stress, you’re putting your well-being at risk. Stress affects your emotional well-being, as well as your physical health. Stress can limit your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. It may seem like there’s nothing you can do about stress. Effective stress management helps you break […]