Pondering on Positive Psychology

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Hello, and welcome to another blog post! I hope everyone has spent a wonderful spring break resting, recuperating, and spending time with their loved ones. Today, I wanted to write a blog post about one of my favourite topics within the field of psychology: Positive Psychology! Positive Psychology emphasizes psychological states such as joy, character […]

Ways Social Media Negatively Affects Teen Mental Health

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

Image by Freepik (Freepik (n.d.). Mobile notification icons between man and woman. Retrieved from https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/mobile-notification-icons-man-woman-using-cell-phone_2611196.htm) Social media has its merits: enabling global connections, providing information, and offering free entertainment. However, there’s a downside, especially for teenagers’ mental well-being. Influencers often heavily edit their photos which sets unrealistic beauty standards. This can trigger body dysmorphia and […]

What is Self-Care?

Posted Posted in Mental Health Blog

How Can We Practice Self-Care? Self-care is a practice of self-love that has existed for many years. With the rising “clean girl” trend on TikTok, self-care is a hashtag that has garnered immense popularity ever since the COVID-19 pandemic. According to USA Today, in 2019, Google searches for “self-care” had reached a 14-year high (Dastagir, […]