awareness, understanding, mindfulness.

Izzy G.
Director of Events

 is currently taking grade 11 at John G. Diefenbaker High School. Mental health is so essential and the need for it to be addressed is just as important as ever. She joined Free Your Mind hoping to work with a wonderful team on hearing and supporting the voices and stories out there. Izzy is very energetic and loves to explore and spend time in nature. In her free time, she also loves to spend time with friends and family, reading, cooking and definitely surfing the internet.

Land Acknowledgement
In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut’ina, the Îyâxe Nakoda Nations, the Métis Nation (Region 3), and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta.